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SILICON VALLEY - Top Placed in U.S Real Estate Outlook!

Want to know which stands top in the U.S real estate outlook? Well, the answer is very simple and the most expected one; Silicon Valley. The time and effort staff has put into building it up is commendable. Silicon Valley’s tech staff is expanding more swiftly than nearly every other novelty hub in the nation. And, according to a new report, the Valley’s technology personnel in the South Bay are far more prolific than anywhere in the United States.


An overview of progress!

The economy of SILICON VALLEY has definitely made a commendable progress. Reports say that an anticipated 443,000 people are employed in the innovation zonein Silicon Valley. This indicates an upsurge of 7 percent in the total number of innovation posts in Silicon Valley within a year. The technology employees in Silicon Valley seem to be more constructive than their complements in other regions. According to an authoritative analysis, Silicon Valley innovation workers yielded $225,000 in added value per employee per year, in 2014. According to some authors of the report, found some surprising facts in the latest research. One of the negative surprises was that the collapse of the marketplace for initial public offerings hastened by the sour stock market in current months.

Challenges with the Silicon Valley

When asked form Sir Carl Guardino, the president of Silicon Valley Management group, he had very clear views about the project. He said that although they have a passionate economy, they still have to face a few challenges. This man is one of the originators of the Silicon Valley Competitiveness and Invention Project 2016. And, at this moment, shall be very pleased upon seeing this project prosper. 1- While the tech economy has increased, job growth in Santa Clara County whichprecedents the nation in its rate of development, several hazards prowl. There are numerous hazard signs which should not be overlooked. Soared up home prices, clogged traffic routes, and leaking talent pipelines, are all risks that could jeopardize the employment rise of the region’s technology sector. 2- Moreover, the people who choose to live here will have to pay a heavy price. They will face numerous challenges in the form of affordability, dense traffic and education costs for their children. 3- According to some authors’ reports, the region must consider taking a range of amendmentswhich would help it navigate through traitorous waters. 4- IPOs are disappearing in Silicon Valley to a larger extent than some of the other innovation regions that contest with Silicon Valley. People there are facing one of the worst traffic conditions of any of the innovation areas. They lag in home affordability. 5- Education is also a troublesome trend. Only 49 percent of Silicon Valley’s eighth-grade students reached or surpassed the new state criterions for mathematics proficiency. 

Further improvements required

Considering the above-mentioned factors, a number of further improvements should be made in the SILICON VALLEY. These include: • Improved transportation • Surplus and affordable housing • Advanced education programs for technology, science, mathematics and engineering students.

Silicon Valley report card

The Silicon Valley Viability and Innovation Project 2016 have issued a report card on the region’s economy. Some of the highlights are listed as follows: 1- Silicon Valley’s innovation commerce and job market continues to flourish. 2- An estimated total of about 443,000 people are employed in the Silicon Valley innovation industry, about 7 percent increase from the last year. 3- Silicon Valley continues to be the global innovation frontrunner, although the U.S. is lagging behind in generatingdevelopment and research talent. 4- About 58 percent of Silicon Valley’s technology, science, mathematics and engineering workers are foreign born. 5- More people are entering Silicon Valley from overseas countries than other parts of the country itself 6- Scheme capital estimations for companies are collapsing. 7- Traffic conditionsare getting worse. The standard Silicon Valley traveller loses his valuable 67 hours in traffic a year. This means around 13.6 percent increased as compared to 10 years ago. 8- In 2015, Silicon Valley’s average price for a home was $875,000. This price is growing more speedilyas compared to any other innovation area in the U.S.

The authors’ report emphasize that Valley members still have to struggle with elevating housing prices and severe transportation problems. These are the issues which cause many people to migrate from the area. There is a dire need to will keep pushing the public policy leaders pushing to address these and many other significant issues so that Silicon Valley will continue to be both the world’s center of modernism and an ideal place for all people to live and call home.

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